Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Why do we celebrate April Fool's Day?

BA, April Fools by Stijn Vogels, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
April Fool's Day celebrations have been linked to the first day of spring in the western hemisphere, the ancient Roman festival of Hilaria, and even the date when France switched from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. Those that didn't realize the switch celebrated the new year on April 1, which we now know as April Fool's Day.

Whatever the reason that April 1 is the day for pranks, you can find more information about any of these historical April Fool's Day topics, or more modern pranks, in the library's collection.

Have you heard about Sidd Finch? Or what about when Taco Bell advertised in the New York times that they were going to buy the Liberty Bell? Do a little digging in ProQuest this April Fool's to find some of the most successful April Fool's Day pranks of all time. 

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