Thursday, December 29, 2011
Goodbye Fall Semester?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
A Holiday Gift of Online Encyclopedias
- American History Through Literature 1820-1870
- American History Through Literature 1870-1920
- Americans at War
- Arts and Humanities Through the Eras
- Crime and Punishment Around the World
- Encyclopaedia Judaica
- Encyclopedia of American Environmental History
- Encyclopedia of American Religions, 7th ed.
- Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society
- Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior
- Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History in America
- Encyclopedia of Management
- Encyclopedia of Middle East Wars: The US in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Conflicts
- Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America
- Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics
- Encyclopedia of the American Constitution
- Encyclopedia of the Great Depression
- Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism Since 1450
- Encyclopedia of World Biography 1-17 and Supplement Volumes 18-23
- Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia
- Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of American Literature
- Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World Literature
- Gale Encyclopedia of American Law
- Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America
- Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia
- Movies in American History
- Science and Its Times
- Social Issues Essential Primary Sources Collection
- Twayne's Authors Online: Masterworks Series
- World History Encyclopedia
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Milk and Cookies from Pres. and Mrs. Ruud
Friday, December 2, 2011
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Borrowing Books and Articles from Other Libraries via ILLiad
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Look UP when you go DOWNSTAIRS!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Little Red Schoolhouse Broadcast
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Looking for a new book?
Friday, November 11, 2011
Keep Those Doors Closed
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Library Main Gallery Exhibit

Monday, October 24, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Woods: Patterns of Light
Thursday, October 6, 2011
New Popular Titles Collection
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Woods: Patterns of Light
Local artist Lynn Uhlmann will display her art in Lehman Library Gallery at Shippensburg University from September 20 to October 20, 2011. A reception with Uhlmann is set for 4:00 p.m. on September 21, 2011 in the gallery.

Uhlmann is an accomplished artist whose work has been exhibited throughout the nation. She earned her bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Alfred University in New York State and her masters of fine arts from the University of Kansas.
She has extensive professional and teaching experience. She was an adjunct faculty member in Shippensburg’s art department from 2002 to 2005 and was a faculty member in fine arts at Colorado Mountain College in Leadville, Colorado. She was also an art teacher in Lancaster County and does custom art work.
Her work has been shown in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Colorado, California, Kansas, Wisconsin, New York and Indiana.
She has received numerous awards for her work and is the 2011 artist-in-residence with the Glen Arbor Art Association in Glen Arbor, Mich.
Lynn says of her paintings: “I wanted to bring back my experience with [the use of] art, tapping into it. Some of the forms showing up in my paintings, especially this past year – my trees are starting to get more expressive. To me, they look like they’re pouting, or flaunting, or in a dance-like pose – sometimes the branches look like hands on hips! I see rear ends and breasts, a torso often. They could have faces. I don’t consciously try. … Sometimes I think they’re talking to each other through colors, shapes, light.”
Additionally, she remarks: “I love, love, love the trees, always looking at them everyplace I go: ‘Look at that form!’ The possibilities are just limitless, with these living, beautiful shapes. It’s a place I love to be – I might not ever get out of the woods!”
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Constitution Day Talk 2011
U.S. Constitution Day 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Lehman Library Plaza
(Rain Location: GBLUES Multi-Purpose Room)
After the Reading of the Preamble will be the Constitution Day Poster Contest Award Presentations to students in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes of the GBLUES School.
For more information, please contact Chantana Charoenpanitkul,, 717-477-1634 or Joyce Harding,, ext. 3289 on campus.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
One Book One Community: "The Help"
Did you know that Lehman Library participates in the “One Book One Community" program”?
The current selection is "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.
The story is about African American maids working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi[1] set during the nascent civil rights movement in Jackson, Miss., where black women were trusted to raise white children but not to polish the household silver[2].
Visit the One Book One Community website for more details. Happy reading!!
The One Book One Community program is designed to promote the value of reading by recommending a compelling book that links the community in a common conversation. OBOC programs encourage dialogue about a particular book, help foster lifelong learning, and promote the development of a strong community identity.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Using Library Experts Wisely
Don't be surprised at how much of an answer you get when you ask a question at the "Ask Us Anything" desk in the library.
"Today’s librarians bear about as much resemblance to the tight-bunned owlish matrons of 1950s films as laptops do to manual typewriters. They're more like the wizened sexton of a sprawling church, the guy with the giant ring of keys who unlocks every door, closet, and coffer. Library specialists routinely direct us to databases, DVDs, digitized archival material, recordings, hidden stacks, and journals we had no idea even existed"
Monday, August 22, 2011
Surprising things students don't know
Contrary to how librarians see themselves, a recent study in Illinois concludes "[t]he idea of a librarian as an academic expert who is available to talk about assignments and [guide students] through the research process is, in fact, foreign to most students. Those who even have the word “librarian” in their vocabularies often think library staff are only good for pointing to different sections of the stacks." What Students Don't Know
It's not that students are not succeeding in finding information to use in their papers, it's that "They’re taking very long, circuitous routes to their goals..." which can result in a dislike for the research process and possibly education in general.
Here are some other observations:
- Faculty and librarians make assumptions about students that frequently overestimate their skills - assuming they have some idea, for example, of what a scholarly source is
- Students who were interviewed mentioned Google more than twice as often as any other tool, but have little knowledge of how to use Google to find good academic sources
- The central dilemma for librarians:
- "librarians are more relevant than they have ever been, since students need guides to shepherd them through the wilderness of the Web", yet
- “Students showed an almost complete lack of interest in seeking assistance from librarians during the search process.”
- "Librarians are believed to do work unrelated to helping students, or work that, while possibly related to research, does not entitle students to relationships with them."
- "librarians are more relevant than they have ever been, since students need guides to shepherd them through the wilderness of the Web", yet
- The central solution (and problem)
- Because librarians hold little sway with students, they can do only so much to rehabilitate students’ habits. They need professors' help. Unfortunately, professors are not necessarily any more knowledgeable about library resources than their students are. “Faculty may have low expectations for librarians, and consequently students may not be connected to librarians or see why working with librarians may be helpful,”
- One big reason for this: "library directors see the library as serving primarily a teaching function; professors see it above all as a purchasing agent."
- One part of the solution for the researchers in this project - putting more of an emphasis on pragmatism vs. idealism. Seeing this pragmatic approach in a more positive light. Seeing it as helping students avoid their long circuitous research processes and substituting much more efficient search methods.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
At the Library, the week before Classes
Twas the week before Classes, when all through the place
Few students were stirring, tho faculty were preparing the chase.
The resources were checked, from the website with care,
Plus indexes for students, who would soon would be there...
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Annual Student Library Research Awards - 2010-2011
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Joey Sauthoff, with one of his advisors, Prof. Paris Peet. |
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Rebecca Rotz with her advisor, Dr. Freddy Siahaan. |
At the ceremony, Dr. Kirk Moll, Library Department Chair, awarded Honorable Mention and a check for $50 to Rebecca Rotz, Junior, Mathematics and Economics Major, for her research project “Factors Influencing Retirement Status (Retirement: When Will I be Ready?)” Moll presented a check for $100 to the First Prize Winner Joey Sauthoff, Senior, Criminal Justice and Interdisciplinary Arts Major, for his research projects “Scenic Designs of ‘Expecting Isabel’” and “Directing ‘An Inspector Calls.’” These awards were generously funded by Berk Laite, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Library Department.
After the ceremony both Sauthoff and Rotz displayed their research in a poster session. Sauthoff was advised in his research by Ship faculty members Prof. Paris Peet (Music and Theatre Arts) and Dr. Michael Pressler (English). Rotz was advised by Dr. Freddy Siahaan (Economics).
The Research Conference is an annual celebration of student research held each spring. This year approximately 500 students entered and displayed their research.
Students interested in applying for the 2011-2012 Award schould contact Dr. Kirk Moll - KAMOLL at
Monday, August 1, 2011
Get Summer Library Help

August is here and the semester is quickly going by. It is not too late to get some help finding some good library sources for your paper or speech. Please stop by the library "Ask Us Anything" desk to sign up for a quick, 15 minute appointment. You can also get quick help online at
Little Red Schoolhouse featured on Public TV
Shippensburg University’s Little Red Schoolhouse will be featured on television. The Pennsylvania Humanities Council (PHC) produces Humanities on the Road, a television series that airs on the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN).
The purpose of the series is to provide public access to the talent from the PHC’s Commonwealth Speaker’s Bureau and to showcase non-profit organizations that host the tapings of the programs. In this case, viewers from all over Pennsylvania will learn about our Little Red Schoolhouse and SU’s dedication to education.
This is happening because in July, 2006, I received an email from Jonathan Zimmerman, a professor of Education and History at New York University. He was writing a book about the history and legacy of the one-room schoolhouse and was interested in the history of the schoolhouse on our campus. He had read an article in a 1974 Phi Delta Kappan that described the Potato Point School, which was moved from its original site and reconstructed here in the early 1970s.
According to the article, both President Gilmore Seavers and his predecessor, Ralph Heiges, worked hard to raise money for the project. Alumni contributed substantial donations of funds and equipment for the restored schoolhouse. Dr. Zimmerman wanted to know if the SU Archives had any files on the project, especially what it meant to those who contributed to it. I sent him scans of correspondence, memos, records of donations, brochures, news releases, news clippings, and photos. His research resulted in a book, Small Wonder : the Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory, published by Yale University Press.
One example of how the author used archival material is a reference to a letter from Howard Etter, the last teacher in our schoolhouse, to Al Mason, our Alumni Director in 1973.
In November, 2009, a representative of the PHC invited me to apply to be the site for Jonathan Zimmerman’s program on one-room schoolhouses. The application was successful, and Shippensburg University was selected from more than 75 organizations. The episode was taped before a live audience at 11 a.m., Saturday, April 30. Dr. Zimmerman’s spoke about why and how the little red schoolhouse became an American icon. PCN-TV will broadcast the episode to 3.3 million households next fall.
For more information contact Karen Daniel at KADANI at
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Old Main's Original Weather Vane
In 2006 I got an email asking about Old Main’s original weather vane. The SU Foundation was thinking about developing some materials based on it. I discovered that the original weather vane was replaced during the renovation of Old Main in the early 1980s. A booklet requesting gifts, published by the Old Main Advisory Council states, “The present four-foot weather vane will be replaced with a beautiful 16-foot copper and brass weather vane including 12-inch diameter copper ball and a brass weather vane with 1871 stamped onto it.” In the booklet, Old Main, published in 1985 to celebrate the renovation, Charles Loucks writes, “A new brass and copper weather vane now tops off the tower… In keeping with the Classical Revival style…they [the Venturi architects] also gave the cupola its high-flying ‘1871’ weathervane.”
No one knew what had happened to the original weather vane. Then one day in 2009 Lance Bryson showed me a weather vane in the basement of Horton Hall. He thought it was the original Old Main weather vane, and I set out to determine if it was. And, indeed, it was, according to old photographs. The weather vane Lance found is four feet tall, with block letters N S E W. It was apparently hand-made of welded metal, which may be copper. There is a bullet hole in the fletch of the arrow. The weather vane shows the wear-and tear of 90 years out in all weather, since it was probably mounted on the cupola of Old Main when the building was first remodeled in 1895.
Now the weather vane is here in the Library and Learning Center where it will eventually be on display. People have always needed to know which way the wind blows to help make their plans. Our institution’s original weather vane will remind us that Shippensburg University continues to help us chart our course into the future.
For more information contact Karen Daniel at KADANI at
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Cook Edits New Book
More info about the book.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Library Hours Term V - July 11 - Aug 11
Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am – 9:00 pm
Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday – Closed
Starbucks Summer Hours
Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Lower Level Refurbishment
Empty shelving signals exciting changes coming to the lower level of Lehman Library. Throughout the 2010-2011 academic year library faculty and staff have evaluated collections, removed duplicate content, and shifted remaining bound periodicals and microfilm in anticipation of a major refurbishing of the northeast side of the lower level. Throughout the summer months work will proceed to paint walls, install new carpet and provide new furnishings that will offer students a variety of group and individual study options. Eighteen computers will be added in this area as well, allowing additional access to library resources and student documents on shared drives. Thanks to support from the Student Senate, a casual area will include a new popular reading collection which will feature current fiction and best sellers.
Work on the lower level will be completed during the summer and the area will be ready for students and faculty when they return to campus for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Ship Library Research Web Pages Lauded
See our Research Guides at
Monday, June 20, 2011
Dr. Doug Cook named EBSS Distinguished Librarian of the Year
Dr Cook will be lauded in New Orleans at the American Library Association Annual Conference. This honor also comes with a check for $2,500 graciously provided by John Wiley Publishers.
Contact Dr. Cook
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Foreman and Charoenpanitkul present at NALS
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Library Hours Term IV - June 6 - July 7
Monday through Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday – Closed
Starbucks Summer Hours
Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Try our Online Encyclopedias
Besides the benefit of saving paper, online encyclopedias are also available 24/7 to students by navigating to our Library webpage and by choosing Online Reference Sources. These resources are also currently listed alphabetically at Library Databases A-Z.
Following are several online encyclopedias we have recently acquired.
American Decades
This 10 vol. work provides the student with a chronological approach to studying the U.S. in the 20th century. Each volume covers one decade with sections covering topical areas such as medicine and health. The encyclopedia also includes detailed, year-by-year chronologies.
Black Women in America
This important historical encyclopedia provides an excellent starting place for research on African American women. It features large topical essays covering broad topics (education, etc.), movements, organizations, time periods (Civil War, etc.), occupations, etc.
Countries and their Cultures
Presents the cultural similarities within a country that set it apart from others by examining over 200 countries to document the myriad ways in which culture defines and separates the nations of the world as much as geographical borders do.
Encyclopedia of Bioethics
Covers a wealth of topics on the ethics of health professions, animal research, population control and the environment. The set helps researchers to consider the impact of new scientific knowledge and its potential to harm or benefit present and future generations.
Encyclopedia of Social Work
Contains 200+ biographies of key figures in the history of social work. Also Includes entries on demographic changes from immigration, technology, the implications of managed-care, faith-based assistance, evidence-based practice, gerontology, trauma and disaster, etc.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Think Before You Print
Think Before You Print
Since April 22, 2011 was National Earth Day, I wanted to highlight a positive trend which I see occurring in academic libraries - the movement toward digital content. Some of you may lament the days when you could come to the library and browse your professional journals in paper. Some of you probably miss that peculiar smell that paper books exude while sitting en masse on the shelves. Nostalgically I miss those days as well, however I am happy to have them all replaced by digital content. Here is why.
Digital scholarship saves trees. Forty years ago when I was in college there was no easy way to do research except by taking notes. In the honored tradition of scholars since the beginning of time, I would hie to the library eagerly searching for that perfect book by browsing the shelves or looking in the card catalog. I discovered useful articles with paper journal indexes. Then I would sit at a library table, reading and taking notes in a notebook (by hand with an actual pen.) When I was finished I would ride my dinosaur home to my cave.
By the time I finally got around to beginning my doctorate in 1985, the previous scenario was still mostly true. Except instead of taking notes in the library, I would xerox what I needed. Then I would take notes on the copied documents. Xeroxing documents revolutionized my research, because my time spent in scholarship was no longer dependent upon having the original document in hand. (In my basement, I still have a very large box of all the articles, etc. I xeroxed for my dissertation. They smell wonderful.)
If you think about this a bit you can easily see how many trees had to be killed for me to get through college and grad school. Think of all the paper items I needed - card catalog, paper journal indexes, books, journals, paper to take notes, copies of all the book chapters and journal articles, etc. etc. Scholars relying on paper kill trees.
Second, digital scholarship becomes easier as you make use of digital resources. The modern scholar in the digital library can choose to go paperless. I have slowly been trying to wean myself off paper. The card catalog, of course, is gone. Paper journal indexes are gone. I no longer take notes on paper - I use a laptop. I deliberately try not to xerox anything. I download articles to my laptop and read them on screen. (By the way, the latest free version of Adobe Reader allows you to highlight text and also take notes on the PDF article and save them digitally.)
So it is possible to be a paperless scholar if you push yourself a bit. Our students, as well, need to learn to navigate the paperless scholarly environment. Paper journals are almost a thing of the past. Printed books will rapidly follow - at least in undergraduate libraries. (Call me in ten years at the Old Folks home if I’m wrong.) Digital journals and books are cheaper to purchase and cheaper to maintain. Although libraries are going digital for pragmatic, rather than altruistic reasons, we are saving trees as well as money.
Digital scholarship is here. We need to embrace it. We need to help our students to become paperless scholars. Encourage them to take notes in class on a laptop. Show them how they can take notes or highlight with Adobe Reader X. Use e-textbooks instead of paper. Require them to hand in their assignments and “papers” digitally via D2L. Don’t produce paper handouts for your students. Encourage them to read the resources onscreen which you have placed on D2L. (You would be amazed at how many times in the library I see students printing out your PowerPoint presentations which you have graciously placed on D2L for them.)
By encouraging your students to become paperless scholars, you will save trees. But also you will help them to understand the very new and rapidly burgeoning world of digital publishing.
Think before you print and ask your students to do so as well.
Contact Doug Cook at dlcook at
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Library Hours Term III - May 16 - June 3
Term III – Monday through Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday – Closed
Starbucks Summer Hours
Beginning Thursday, May 26th - Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Library Hours - May 8 - 14, 2011
Sun - May 8 - closed
Mon - Fri - 10 am - 3:30 pm
Sat - May 15 - closed
Starbucks closed all week
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Library Summer Hours Announced
Term III – Monday through Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday – Closed
Term IV -- Monday through Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday – Closed
Term V – Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am – 9:00 pm
Friday, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday – Closed
Starbucks Summer Hours
Beginning Thursday, May 26th - Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Contact Assoc. Dean Barb Rotz if you have a question - bdrotz at
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
National Library Week Database Trial
- Gale NewsVault — More than 10 million digitized pages
- Global Issues in Context — Today’s world issues from a global perspective
- Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive — The largest, most ambitious collection devoted to slavery studies
- GREENR — An interdisciplinary approach to environmental studies
- Powerspeak Languages — The ultimate language learning resource
- Science in Context — How scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues
Monday, April 11, 2011
Time Lords by Jim Mackey - Main Gallery
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An exhibit featuring found objects discovered by the artist and transformed into the pieces displayed.
Theme: Our perception of time and space in relation to our personal reality, our cultural history, and our spiritual reality.
"Art is the dance of the soul and a pathway out of the darkness."
More Information
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A Hike on the Appalachian Trail: Exhibit and Book Talk
- Original photos from GBLUES used as a basis for illustrations in the book
- Photos of Dr. Cook’s annual Luhrs Third Grade hike on the Appalachian Trail from Big Flat to Birch Run
- Information about the Appalachian Trail in Michaux Forest
- Backpacking and hiking equipment used on the AT
Book Talk by the Authors - April 14, 2011 - 4:00 pm - LL106
Drs. Carolyn and Doug Cook will talk about their newly published children’s book. Books will be available for sale and signing. Free and open to the public.
GBLUES Author Visit - April 15
GBLUES Author Visit - April 15
Dr. Carolyn Cook, will talk to Luhrs students about her newly published children’s book, based on her annual field trips to the Appalachian Trail when she was the third grade teacher at GBLUES. Dr. Cook will be signing books that have been purchased in advance. Open to GBLUES Teachers, Students, and Parents.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Welcome BookScan Station to the Library!